Also known as Facial Acupuncture or an Acupuncture facelift. A non-invasive treatment that uses fine needles to improve skin appearance and combat signs of aging. It stimulates blood flow and the production of collagen and elastin. It can help reduce fine lines, wrinkles and puffiness and improve skin texture and firmness.
60 min
Acupuncture is a form of traditional Chinese medicine in which thin needles are inserted into the body to relieve pain and treat a wide range of other conditions.
Acupuncture is a form of traditional Chinese medicine in which thin needles are inserted into the body to relieve pain and treat a wide range of conditions.
Cupping therapy is a form of ancient traditional Chinese medicine in which a local suction is created on the skin to help with pain, inflammation, blood flow, relaxation and well-being.*Please note that Acupuncturist has final judgement of cupping treatment time (meaning if client book for 60 min cupping but their body can’t take it, she might change to 30-45 min)
*Acupuncture doesn’t have tax
90 min
*All prices shown above exclude GST
**No GST is charged for Acupuncture, Gua sha & Cupping
Please notify our office 12 hours in advance for cancellations
2519 17 Street NW
Edmonton, AB, T6T 0Y2
Ph: (780) 267-2519
Mon - Sun: 8AM - 8PM